Tuesday 8 November 2011

My Boy Jack

Notes on My Boy Jack

A fade up is used to present the pocket watch the king owns, this is showing us that someone is late, time is running out, and the king himself doesn’t expect to be kept waiting.
Close up of the cars wheel shows speed
Close up of the steering wheel with him hitting it shows us that the driver is anxious to be going somewhere.
Close up of the drivers face allow us to see his emotions and feeling in his face, determination of him not wanting to let anything get in his way.
High angled shot of the boys waiting to see someone about a job, shows they are the same their outfits don’t seem to differentiate them into higher or lower classes, same hair same clothes same job.
The long shot of the long corridor shows their anxious uncomfortable wait to see someone
Eye-line hand held shot shows jack and his opposition (job applied for)
The long pathway leading up to the king’s house/grounds could be shows as a pathway to opportunity
Over shoulder shot lets you see the conversation in johns point of view and you can see the boys expression when he tells him his dads a writing and the other dad is a navy officer first rank... Importance.
Low pan shows the kings palace. His wealth and power.