Thursday 24 November 2011


Green Zone

Monday 14 November 2011

My Boy Jack Editing Terminology

Editing Terminology 1 to 4

My Boy Jack notes continued

Genre..The music, costumes and props make it clear to be in the historical genre
Because of Daniel Radcliffe the target audience will differentiate between teens and older people because of his previous films – Harry Potter.
Stereotypical because more males would watch war films than females

Social class..
Upper class
Rolls Royce – very high/wealthy man
Dialogue- high formal class/ posh rich
English accent – doesn’t swear just tuts
Giving away money to the valley man – wealthy

Characters and Performance..Daniel Radcliffe is very familiar because of Harry Potter.
well educated, posh, slightly snobby characters
Style is realistic because based on a true story
White British characters
John is less important because of his dads job (writer)
Clock at the beginning shoes time passing by
time as they both experience it
high value production because of Daniel Radcliffe
clock appears twice to show real time the shots used are not linked
one of production drama

Back story..
Set in 1914 WorldWar1 England
cars used, the relationships between the different class people, grammar, non fiction characters, old English, high classes and lower.

Short formal conversations
poshly spoken which matched the characters
authentic old fashioned
‘sir’ – last names- not strong relationships but respect
all rehearsed
introductions to everyone
Audience..The primary audience would be older people who are interested or want to know more about the war
Mass audience would be Daniel Radcliffe fans and a high production film worth watching because of him being a big star
Higher class family’s will get higher class job

diegetic- clock at the start
syncrinim – car
jolly music- sunny weather

Mise-en scene..Country side- realistic
props-(clocks, clothes) upper class and traditional
bright sunny day – represents mood – free unlike the boy who is under pressure in a dark waiting room
formal suits for high class people – uniforms for lower working class

wide shot of the car coming across screen at the start
close ups of car and driver show the mood and speed
mid-eye shots show realism
long/track shots of car and corridor
over shoulder mid angle shots
birds eye view – waiting room  means less powerful, looking down on, no authority

close ups of clock ticking shows time passing
Credits appear when the car drives
Parallel editing – father and son have different life’s – shows two people doing different.


Dissolve- on the clock at the start

Superimposed editing- the writing at the bottom of the screen i.e. credits

Cross Cutting – the man in the car and then Daniel Radcliffe in the waiting room.

Eyeline match – when all ¾ boys are in the waiting room, and Daniel Radcliffe is handing in
his slip, and the camera follows at his eye length so we see what he sees.

Short Cut - the rushing of the man in the car.

Long takes- the long wait the boys have when waiting

Action – car goes fast the camera looks in from front window, and from underneath and on
the wheel going fast

continuity - emphasise with clock

Parallel – between the boy and the father both in different places

cut_ clock, then the man shows he’s against time being late

Cutaway- late

Dissolve – taking his glasses off

Long take – jack waiting is emphasised

Superimposed- MY BOY JACK the title appears in the sky background.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

My Boy Jack

Notes on My Boy Jack

A fade up is used to present the pocket watch the king owns, this is showing us that someone is late, time is running out, and the king himself doesn’t expect to be kept waiting.
Close up of the cars wheel shows speed
Close up of the steering wheel with him hitting it shows us that the driver is anxious to be going somewhere.
Close up of the drivers face allow us to see his emotions and feeling in his face, determination of him not wanting to let anything get in his way.
High angled shot of the boys waiting to see someone about a job, shows they are the same their outfits don’t seem to differentiate them into higher or lower classes, same hair same clothes same job.
The long shot of the long corridor shows their anxious uncomfortable wait to see someone
Eye-line hand held shot shows jack and his opposition (job applied for)
The long pathway leading up to the king’s house/grounds could be shows as a pathway to opportunity
Over shoulder shot lets you see the conversation in johns point of view and you can see the boys expression when he tells him his dads a writing and the other dad is a navy officer first rank... Importance.
Low pan shows the kings palace. His wealth and power.

Monday 7 November 2011

Evaluating Working Titles website

When you first come onto the Working Title Films website the layout is great, its clear, easy on the eyes and uses good colour schemes this makes people want to stay on the site. it has a panel that flashes different new current films that people might be interested it its very clear that all you need to do is click and you can have a full film profile,
not many websites have a flashing film panel.

This is WT first page when you enter the website with the flashing panel as you can see which is currently PAUL

When you click on the trailer page you have every film ever made by working title to a certain point and for each one you can receive a domestic, short, HD, promotional, international, teaser, theatrical,extended and full trailer for almost every film available.

I like the face that for some of the more well known films you can receive DVD art for the film, and video blogs from off scene this helps you understand the characters more than you normally would because there not on set, this is also good because you can see all the possible art work for one films cover on a DVD.
As well as this, the website is the first place for any fans to find the latest news on new films. To show how reputable and pleased they are with their films, they also have a review section for each film where everyone can feel free to put their point across about the film
When you go into the webpage some more there is a great big archive of every film working title have ever made, you can click on them all and find out a lot more such as news, awards, and trailers that were released it also has extra things like blogs and some fun games.
This is allowing people to interact with the film and keep them interested.
The website is also a great plase to find out facts for school projects or bonus features such as special effets and behind the scenes.

Thursday 3 November 2011

The role of a website for a film company

1.To advertise new films

2.To celebrate acheivements

3.Build relationships - attraction

4.Provide info about company, including background info contact details

5.Latest developments - schemes/projects

6.Provide fan-zine - info for films - clips, photos, character blogs

7.Archive/catalogue of previous films

8.General watching

How Does My Boy Jack Appeal to Audiences

This is a one off TV drama called My boy Jack, it stars Daniel Radcliffe to draw in a wider audience as its about world war 1.
This also implies that the show has a higher budget, since it can afford a big star, so people will assume that the programme is at a high standard convincing them to watch.
People would want to watch My Boy Jack for different reasons; this could be for personal entertainment, or purely to learn about the upper class social backgrounds the characters have in this TV drama.
Some people would want to watch My Boy Jack because they have a strong interest in World War 1, others may want to watch this to increase their knowledge in World War 1.
Some people may watch this to escape daily reality or routine by indulging in this TV drama, this could mean that some people are great fans of Daniel Radcliffe who is staring in this TV drama. Upper class social backgrounds are represented in the TV drama, the audience watching might be of lower class and want to watch the TV so they can get an in site to the different style of living they have compared to themselves.

Audience Mind Map