Thursday 8 September 2011

class survey..

In conclusion the most popular film choice was action and comedy, this is because the target market for the 2 areas appeal to people our age.
You can also see that American films seemed most popular because of their bigger budget and their bigger film stars to appear in them.
The main attraction to watch these films was by watching trailers on TV, and the previews at the cinema, this is because it leaves it open and you then want to know the rest of the film.
Mostly people went to the cinema to watch film, even though the cost was high they seemed to this they got a better viewing experience out of it.

The pros for watching films on DVD are that you can watch the film over and over, also you can pause the film whenever. Also you can watch the bonus features on the DVD this may appeal to a film creator, or a YouTube film maker, or someone who is really interested to behind the scenes. Although these are some good points even the littlest scratch on a DVD could ruin the DVD and could affect your viewing experience.
 The pros for watching a film at the cinema are that it has a big screen which makes watching the film better overall also it is better quality
because it hasn't been downloaded or copied also you could see it with more people which makes it a more social event. The con's for watching a film at the cinema are that it cost more than normal to get in, this could be at a disadvantage. Also people are sometimes really noisy at the cinema and could ruin your viewing experience. There are no breaks/adverts in the cinema so you would miss the film if you needed the toilet or a drink.

 The good point to downloading a film offline illegally/legally is that there is no wait for the film to come out on DVD etc. the con is that the quality is poor, it could skip, and you could get in trouble.