Thursday 29 September 2011

Prezi - iron man 2

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Apocalypse Now Clip

At the start of the YouTube video you automatically get diegetic sound coming from the noise of the helicopter and some of the soldiers, not all of the soldiers are on screen at one time this means that there is always some off screen diegetic sound also. Then a little bit into the helicopters flying music becomes involved, which is contrapuntal sound.
The music is still playing while the helicopters wait to attack, after this scene you hear a lot of disorientated sound such as people screaming bombs off screen and on, but far away so it is not easy to hear underneath the helicopters sound. There is also a siren which is parallel sound because of the sense of danger and battle it gives.   

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tessa Perkins 5 assumptions...

Stereotyping has tended to suggest that it is wrong to see people in categories. Yet in the field of social psychology it has long been recognised that categorisation is a fundamental process necessary for humans to make sense of the world. Humans need to impose structure on events, experiences and people. I agree with all of Tessa Perkins assumptions although I believe it is wrong to stereotype people, even though some stereotypes are positive.

Stereotypes are not always negative...
there are many examples for this; for example, the characters in the
‘big bang theory’ are standard geeks, we know this from the way they are: clothing, language, body language. But it also has a bad view where as geeks are not very sociable or popular people. But here are some others, 'Americans are friendly' and 'Black people are better at football'

They are not always about minority groups or the less powerful...
this is also true, some stereotypes can be about bigger groups.
An example of this is 'Rich people are posh.'
made in Chelsea is a good example of this as most of the characters on the program are rich and have lots of money and flash cars, and are always going out. Most people in the Chelsea are rich and posh not just one person in Chelsea.

They can be held about one's own group...
It is well known that African people joke about how other African people are great at football. This proves that people stereotype their own group.
Also teenagers openly talk about how other teenagers go around stealing and being thugs. This is stereotyping in your own group.

They are not rigid or unchanging...

They are not always false...
I disagree; I believe that stereotyping is wrong, and that a certain race or group shouldn't be referred to as one. Everybody is different and nobody is the same as someone else.

prezi sound

Monday 19 September 2011

camera angles

Camera Angles[1]

camera movements

Pivoting the camera vertically up or down. This produces a low or high angle shot.
Tilt shots are often used to show the vertical significance of something, i.e. viewing something big that wouldn’t fit into a normal shot.

This is where the camera looks over the action or scene directly from above – it’s like a kind of shot from the ceiling.

This is not really a movement of the camera but it appears to be so. It is when the focus is pulled making either the object/scene slowly appear closer or further away.

This is used when the camera itself moves up or down and is usually placed higher above the ground/action. The crane shot is the primary means of moving the camera above ground. During crane shots, the camera rises and lowers on a platform connected to a mechanical arm, much like utility company cherry-pickers.

Track shot: Moving the camera itself towards or away from the subject, or to follow a moving subject. The shot is called a tracking shot because the camera is often run along a small track to follow the action.
A tracking shot is used to see and explore the room /scenery/or places.
It is also used to create a detailed tour of a situation, but can also be used to follow a character.

Hand held shots serve to create a more homemade or dramatic feel to a shot. This is used to convey a sense of immediacy or it can be used to suggest realism.

Pan shot:
Pivoting the camera to the side to scan a scene or to follow a moving subject.
This can be used to establish a scene or background and to highlight the speed of what is happening in the scene.

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Mise-en-scene is a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame.

the character seems to be wearing a suite which means he is well educated or has high self respect, his hair is also combed back and slick, the facial expression makes him  seem a serious character to the audience.
the only major key light in this picture is one shining on his face, this makes the first thing you see on the poster his face. He doesn't really have any blatant facial expression, his eyes are piercing straight through you he has a veryserious look about him.

The camera shot is a zoom, its just zoomed in on his face and nothing else, there are some building in the background but you cannot really see them.

The setting is pretty plain, if you look closely
you can see the buildings behind him but nothing really stands out, only him and the title.

Friday 9 September 2011

The Process Of A Film From Start To Finish...

·         THE IDEA



·         PACKAGING

·         FINANCING


·         THE SHOOT


·         SALES

·         MARKETING

·         EXHIBITION


Thursday 8 September 2011

Holiday homework.. film review

Harry potter and the deathly hallows part II

Harry potter part II is the final film to the harry potter series of films which were based on the books written by J.K. This last film is about how the 3 lead actors go around finding the horcruxes in order to kill Lord Voldermort, they use clues and Hogwarts, like all harry potter films, this one is great.
The film is aimed at teens and young adults who have grown up reading the harry potter books; you have to pay great attention to the film in order to get the twists. The film rating is a 12A which I think it should be a 15 because the film at times is quite scary and shows a lot of blood wars and battle it also has some strong language.
A huge sum of £250 million pounds was spent to film and create both deathly hallow films. David Yates is the director of the film and he has also directed some of the other harry potters, his work is high in the film industry and he was won many awards.The 3 main characters in the film are Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson these 3 actors have been in every single harry potter film, taking the starring role.
Warner Brothers and Heyday films distributed the film, but also
leaves den film studios played a huge part.

Harry potter part II was released on the 7th July for UK and in US it was the 11th July 2011. They used huge posters and trailers in the cinema, during the MTV movie awards a preview of the film was given, busses and billboards were used to encourage people to go and see it

class survey..

In conclusion the most popular film choice was action and comedy, this is because the target market for the 2 areas appeal to people our age.
You can also see that American films seemed most popular because of their bigger budget and their bigger film stars to appear in them.
The main attraction to watch these films was by watching trailers on TV, and the previews at the cinema, this is because it leaves it open and you then want to know the rest of the film.
Mostly people went to the cinema to watch film, even though the cost was high they seemed to this they got a better viewing experience out of it.

The pros for watching films on DVD are that you can watch the film over and over, also you can pause the film whenever. Also you can watch the bonus features on the DVD this may appeal to a film creator, or a YouTube film maker, or someone who is really interested to behind the scenes. Although these are some good points even the littlest scratch on a DVD could ruin the DVD and could affect your viewing experience.
 The pros for watching a film at the cinema are that it has a big screen which makes watching the film better overall also it is better quality
because it hasn't been downloaded or copied also you could see it with more people which makes it a more social event. The con's for watching a film at the cinema are that it cost more than normal to get in, this could be at a disadvantage. Also people are sometimes really noisy at the cinema and could ruin your viewing experience. There are no breaks/adverts in the cinema so you would miss the film if you needed the toilet or a drink.

 The good point to downloading a film offline illegally/legally is that there is no wait for the film to come out on DVD etc. the con is that the quality is poor, it could skip, and you could get in trouble.