Monday, 14 November 2011
Dissolve- on the clock at the start
Superimposed editing- the writing at the bottom of the screen i.e. credits
Cross Cutting – the man in the car and then Daniel Radcliffe in the waiting room.
Eyeline match – when all ¾ boys are in the waiting room, and Daniel Radcliffe is handing in
his slip, and the camera follows at his eye length so we see what he sees.
Short Cut - the rushing of the man in the car.
Long takes- the long wait the boys have when waiting
Action – car goes fast the camera looks in from front window, and from underneath and on
the wheel going fast
continuity - emphasise with clock
Parallel – between the boy and the father both in different places
cut_ clock, then the man shows he’s against time being late
Cutaway- late
Dissolve – taking his glasses off
Long take – jack waiting is emphasised
Superimposed- MY BOY JACK the title appears in the sky background.
My Boy Jack